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Discover our raw pet food — great for your pet and your budget.

  • Feed Raw Breeders Mix

    Breeders Mix

    $75.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Wild Mix

    Wild Mix

    $83.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Green-Tripe

    Green Tripe

    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Feel Neck Bones

    Veal Neck Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Veal Brisket Bones

    Veal Brisket Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Goat bones

    Goat Bones

    $65.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Breeders Mix

    Breeders Mix

    $75.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Balance Mix

    Balance Mix

    $76.60 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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Feeding Raw is awesome
but it shouldn’t cost so much!

At Feed Raw, we understand you want the best for your dog. As New Zealand’s affordable raw pet food manufacturers, we’re proud to offer top-tier nutrition at a fraction of the price of other suppliers. Discover how a raw diet can improve your pet’s life.

  • Cleaner teeth and fresh breath
  • Improved liver, pancreatic and bowel health
  • Shinier, healthier skin and coat
  • Better weight control
  • Improved digestion
  • Reduction of allergy symptoms
  • Harder, smaller, less smelly stools
  • Increased mobility in older animals
  • More energy and stamina
  • Strengthened immune system

Karl – Waikato

My Rottweiler has been on a raw diet for years, can’t get over how much money I’ve saved since making the switch from one of your competitors, Cheers guys your products are awesome!

Hayley – Auckland

The Mixed Goat Bone’s we grab each fortnight are so meaty and Vader loves them, we’re saving about $10 a week on the bones, see you guys next Thursday! I know Vader looks forward to it!

Debbie – Auckland

More people need to find you guys, I’m saving about $300 on my monthly order, and IT’S THE SAME FOOD! Toby and I thank you guys deeply, the service is awesome too!

Ava – Auckland

My Persian is a fussy fussy girl and madam turns her nose up at alot of foods, the veal mince gets basically inhaled! Missy’s coat is shinier and she’s got far more energy. What an absolute find, love the food!
Natural, raw dog food can significantly improve your dog’s health and well being. But, not only this, it can also be of benefit to dogs that are suffering from ailments and certain chronic conditions. The RAW diet has been shown to assist with: Obesity, periodontal diseases such as gingivitis, degenerative diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, reproductive health, arthritic conditions, skin allergies, ear infections, diabetes and plenty more.
Our food is suited to any breed of dog, from the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane! No matter what size or breed, your dog’s digestive system, and metabolism is designed to eat Raw Food!
Even on the strictest budget, take a moment to compare the value between Raw Food and Commercial Pet Foods. You will be amazed at the substantial savings you will make!
It won’t be long before you notice the improvements in your dog’s health, coat, skin, teeth, breath and bowel motions. Because “The Goodness That Goes In…..Stays In”
  • Feed Raw Puppy Mix

    Puppy Mix

    $70.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Beef Mince

    Beef Mince

    $75.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Breeders Mix

    Breeders Mix

    $75.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Feel Neck Bones

    Veal Neck Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Fussy Mix

    Fussy Mix

    $70.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Beef Brisket Bones

    Beef Brisket Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Goat Mince

    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Goat bones

    Goat Bones

    $65.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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Balance over time – one meal could have more bone content, another more meat or organ.
The approximate ratio to aim for overall is:

80% meat, sinew, ligaments, fat
10% edible bone
5% liver
5% other organ meat
Meats are high in phosphorus, bones are high in calcium. When meat is fed with 10% bone you have the exact ratios of calcium to phosphorus required by a dog. Whole prey, fish, eggs and tripe have a balanced ratio.
Organ meat should not exceed 10% of the diet overall and 5% of that should be liver (beef liver has the highest nutrient levels). Feed liver once a week (or several small servings per week) and try to find an organic, free range source if possible because the liver is responsible for filtering toxins out of the body.
If feeding pork or salmon, be certain to freeze the meat for two weeks before feeding to reduce the small risk of parasites.
NEVER feed cooked bones of any type as when bones are cooked they become harder and are dangerous for the dog as they can splinter and pierce the stomach or intestines. Raw bones are soft enough to bend and digest easily. Dogs are carnivores as per their scientific category (their DNA is 99% wolf) so dogs are designed to digest raw meat and bones – they have a stomach PH level of 1 or 2 which is highly acidic – perfect for digesting raw bones. It is therefore important to remember the difference between raw and cooked bones.
Feel free to feed ‘weird and icky things’ such as chicken feet, beef trachea, tails, lung, kidney, testicles and pizzles (penis). Beef trachea, trim, chicken and turkey feet are loaded in natural chondroitin and glucosamine which help to build healthy joints.
Avoid the weight bearing leg and knuckle bones of large animals such as beef – also the vertebrae as these are too dense and dangerous to teeth. Remember! ALL bones must be fed raw – cooked bones are dangerous as they are too hard and could splinter and pierce the stomach or intestines as well as damage teeth.
If possible, try to find grass fed animals that are not given hormones or medications if possible. Younger animals in general will have accumulated fewer toxins to pass on to your dog. You can be creative, approach organic and free range farmers and ask to buy their off-cuts.
Carbohydrates, in particular grains, are not a natural part of the dog’s diet and we do not recommend they form any part of the diet. Dogs do not have the ability to digest grains properly, so instead, an extra strain is put on the liver as it has to produce more bile to break down the insoluble fibre.
  • Feed Raw Beef Neck Bones

    Beef Neck Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Feel Neck Bones

    Veal Neck Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Beef Brisket Bones

    Beef Brisket Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Veal Brisket Bones

    Veal Brisket Bones

    $59.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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  • Feed Raw Goat bones

    Goat Bones

    $65.00 available on subscription
    Weight: 10kg

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Frequently Asked Questions
What day is cutoff time for Delivery?

Orders must be made by Sunday night 11:59pm in order to be delivered the following week

Do you deliver to me?

The easiest way to check this is to go through the checkout process and see what delivery options are available to your address

How come I have to wait a week for delivery?

We don’t actually hold stock physically (as a cost cutting exercise) in order to keep price as low as possible for our customers, all of our pet food is made to order so you know you’re getting a fresh, quality product, which in turn takes time

Is this food good for cats?

Yep, although obviously you’d want to ensure you’re feeding your cat something they want to eat too! (haha, fussy buggers) – Take a look at our Fussy Mix or Veal Mince which is well suited for our feline friends also

How does the food come prepared?

Your Raw Petfood will come delivered inside of a liner which in turn is inside of a 30cm x 20cm x 15cm carton, the food is cut into blocks manageable for defrosting

whats the most efficient way to feed?

This really does come down to dealers choice, however there are a few common sense things we can recommend:

Store your petfood in an airtight container in the fridge, it should be good for 3 days in there, ensure to only defrost the amount you need to feed for these 3 days and make sure you wash your container or rotate with a clean one in between new defrosted amounts 

Can I Freeze my pet food?

Absolutely, alot of our customers will thaw their petfood first, break it down into meal sized portions and then refreeze it for convenience

Do you have a physical store?


Rent, Opex, Insurance, Staff, Fit Out, Security all add up to a pretty big sum, when businesses have physical stores guess where those costs are put? You guessed it in the products or services being sold.

We prefer to skip all that and keep our pet food the cheapest around, the price of raw petfood at some of our competitors is outrageous.

Can I buy a smaller quantity?

Sorry mate, we like to keep things simple, we’re a wholesale quantity / wholesale price kind of deal

I Don’t live in your delivery zones

Unfortunately we’re a volume based business, what this means is we only really make money when we can spend as little time as possible going from door to door with our deliveries, hopefully you’ve got a friend or family member in zone though! I’m sure a cuppa and a catch up is good for everybody

Can I meet you at X instead?

We’d prefer to avoid this if we can, you being late by 20 minutes can upset our entire day re: traffic and rush hour etc, as well as us letting our other customers down by not arriving within the timeframe our logistics app tells them we will. Alternatively, us running late can mess your day up too!

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